I had some multi-colored beads and spied an Avery Marks A Lot permanent marker on my computer desk so I wondered what might happen if I put them together. I did my usual doodles that I typically scratch into the bead surface. Not half bad.
To make sure the ink doesn't rub off, I sprayed the beads with PYM II (Preserve Your Memories II) that I read about online a year or so ago. It was advertised as safe for polymer and I did a test. Nearly a year later the beads are still perfectly good. My only concern now is if any reaction might happen between the marker and the spray so I'll let these sit for a few months to see what happens.
The only problem I had was in one spot on the coral blue beads where I may have gotten the surface too wet with spray...the marker blurred a bit. You can't see it in the photo below, and it doesn't look terrible, but it's something to watch out for next time.
Purple Pod Linework |
Linework Colors |
Khaki Olive Linework |
Coral Blue Linework |
They look awesome! So many ideas run to my mind. Thanks for sharing.