Sunday, August 14, 2011

Experiment: Avery Marks A Lot on Polymer

I had some multi-colored beads and spied an Avery Marks A Lot permanent marker on my computer desk so I wondered what might happen if I put them together. I did my usual doodles that I typically scratch into the bead surface. Not half bad.

To make sure the ink doesn't rub off, I sprayed the beads with PYM II (Preserve Your Memories II) that I read about online a year or so ago. It was advertised as safe for polymer and I did a test. Nearly a year later the beads are still perfectly good. My only concern now is if any reaction might happen between the marker and the spray so I'll let these sit for a few months to see what happens.

The only problem I had was in one spot on the coral blue beads where I may have gotten the surface too wet with spray...the marker blurred a bit. You can't see it in the photo below, and it doesn't look terrible, but it's something to watch out for next time.

Purple Pod Linework
Linework Colors

Khaki Olive Linework

Coral Blue Linework

1 comment:

  1. They look awesome! So many ideas run to my mind. Thanks for sharing.



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